What are the benefits of hooping for 10 minutes a day?

Administrator Benefits of Hooping, Uncategorized 5 Comments

Trish doing her daily 10 minutes hooping while on holiday in Wanaka

Today is the final day of the In2Hula 10:30 Challenge launched on 1 July.  Thirty-six people signed up with the aim of hooping for at least 10 minutes every day for 30 days.  Most of those people participated to the degree they were able, and a number of people excelled in dedication and hooped every day for the entire 30 days.  People hooped inside, outside, with their children, in the snow, in front of the fire and even up a mountain.  A huge congratulations to everyone who took part – you are are all Inspirational Hoopers!  Well done for the investment you made in yourselves.

We asked those who took part to let us know what benefits they got out of being part of the challenge and hooping for 10 minutes every day, and this is what they noted:

1. Motivation
This was the most common benefit noted of being part of the challenge.  “Having a daily goal to meet was all the motivation that I needed to take part in this challenge” stated one participant, Trish.  “Even though I haven’t posted many comments on the Facebook page I sometimes read what other people were doing and that kept me focused.  Bernie’s videos were inspirational.”

2. Mastering A New Challenge
Some of the participants noted that they had used this opportunity to set themselves a goal to learn a new skill or master a new challenge.  Kirsty excitedly posted that she had learnt a new skill and was now eager to challenge herself further: “I can now hula for at least 10 minutes without dropping the hoop.  Next step, changing direction and maybe even start walking.”  Viva similarly noted: “I have thoroughly enjoyed this challenge, it has made me extend my daily hooping times to a more consistent 10 minutes.  I have tried walking, but as yet can’t keep my hoop moving so will work on that perhaps when I can get outside again to hoop.”  Julie challenged herself to waist hoop for 10 minutes using two hoops to make for a harder workout.

3. Convenient Winter Exercise Option
“Over the winter months exercise is not easy or inviting” observed Julie, “this 10 minutes each day has forced me to pick up my 2 hoops and set a timer and do the 10 minutes.”  Although the amazing Hoop Lady did get out and hoop in the snow at one point, many participants found hooping such a great winter exercise option because they could hoop inside in front of the fire, or in their pyjamas, or while watching T.V.  “I was amazed how easy it was to get into the habit of watching The Block and hooping” observed Bex.

4. Increased Core Strength and Weight Loss
A few of the participants said they had gained increased core strength, some with weight loss, others not.  “I haven’t lost any weight but my core feels stronger” noted Jenny, but Trish stated: “I’m loving the fact that my waist line has decreased and that I have a much firmer stomach.  Actually, my strength in my core has helped me with pushing myself when doing yoga poses.”

5. Relief for Lower Back and Abdominal Pain
About a year ago Viva shared this feedback with In2Hula: “recently I have started using my hoop on a daily basis in conjunction with receiving monthly deep tissue, trigger point massage. . . my therapist has noticed a difference since I have been hooping daily and the myofascial tension in my lower back is markedly improved to the point of non existence.”  As Viva took part in the 10:30 Challenge I asked her if she still noticed that hooping gave her this benefit and she replied “I have found the tension in my lower back has eased more and my core strengthened.  I think that’s with the consistent 10 minutes daily.”

“I have some pretty significant digestive and food intolerance issues,” said Janine.  “When I hoop every day I am able to eat a far greater variety of foods without significant abdominal bloating, wind and pain.”

6. FUN!
“I love it!!!” declared Viva of her daily hoop practice and Trish felt inspired to make up hoop routines to some classic 80’s tunes.  Kirsty had some crazy fun hooping with her children including hooping with her daughter on her shoulders at one point!

How can hooping for 10 minutes a day help you?
Do you want to strengthen your core muscles or lose weight?
Do you want a quick, fun way to exercise at home?
Are you looking for a new fitness challenge?

Kirsty (and her beautiful children) wearing the t-shirt she won for hooping every day of the 10:30 Challenge

Do you need some extra motivation to get moving?
Are you are new to daily hooping, want to continue on from the 10:30 Challenge or did you have an experience like Sarah when you signed up to the the 10:30 Challange?: “My hoop has had fun.  It was moved from storage into the lounge for a few days.  Then into the kitchen.  Went outside one day!  Unfortunately that’s all that happened.  Hooping and me haven’t connected this month.”

If so, In2Hula has set up a new Facebook group to offer you support, inspiration and motivation.  The 10 Minute Club is aimed at building a positive community of people who have made the intention to hula hoop for at least 10 minutes every day.  We would love to have you join us and encourage you to achieve what you want from hooping.

Link to the In2Hula 10 Minute Club Facebook Group



Comments 5

  1. An easy 10 minutes of exercise. I set the alarm on my phone for 10 minutes ahead and got into a rhythm. I experimented with speed and position of the hoop. Sometimes in my dressing gown either side of breakfast or jeans or gym gear at night so no need to fuss about time or clothing. Play some good music or practice mindfulness in silence just you and the hoop. Thank you Hoop Lady a great idea to get through July.

    1. Post

      Thank you Linda. It is great to hear that you are finding hooping such a convenient and rewarding form of exercise.

  2. I find 10 minutes hard.
    I seem to end up doing at least 20.
    Which begs the question will the benefits be twice as much.
    I have read that people lose a few inches off their waist.
    I have a 32 inch waist line and would love to get it down to 29 or 28 even.
    Is this possible.
    So far I seem to look more toned but my waist line has not reduced.

    1. Post

      Hi Sarah. Firstly, well done for doing what you are doing to take care of yourself. Hula hooping does work to tone and trim your waist but it is not an instant miracle cure. It does take regular practice for several weeks at least. Normal waist hooping will tone your abdominal muscles and give you a reasonable cardio workout, however to trim more fat from your waist you will need to increase the cardio component of your workout and ensure that your are eating only to satisfy your hunger and mainly nutritious whole foods. You can increase the cardio component of your workouts by hooping faster or by moving your arms and legs while you are hooping. If you would like some diet advice I recommend checking out Catherine Sissons – The Guilt-Free Nutritionist at http://www.novanutrition.co.nz/

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