exercise for seniors

Exercise for Seniors that’s Comfortable and Fun!

Administrator Community Event, Hoop Fitness, Inspirational Hoopers 4 Comments

If you are looking for an exercise for seniors that is comfortable and fun then hula hooping could be for you.  Hula hooping is easy on the joints and increases mobility, flexibility and muscle tone and strength.  Learning new hoop skills improves cognitive function and this benefit is increased when you learn to perform hoop moves with either hand, and moves which direct your arms across the mid-line of your body.  Many people over 60 are rediscovering the fun they had hula hooping as a child, and experiencing how hooping has many benefits for them now as an adult.  One of these people is Faye Robinson from Christchurch.

Faye remembers the hooping craze of the 1950’s when mass produced, plastic hula hoops first became available.  She loved hooping then, and even won a prize for speed hooping in a local competition.  Fast forward 60 years and Faye has found the joy of hooping again.

“I’ve had a lot of problems with my legs . . . so being non-impact as such and being able to take it quietly . . . I’m finding you sort-of forget about those things, and I’m moving in ways that I thought I couldn’t before” says Faye.

Of the hoop class she is part of Faye says: “We have so much fun, and so many laughs, and everybody’s really pleased when some somebody manages to get something that’s been difficult for someone.”

Faye Robinson is one of our Inspirational Hoopers.

She is planning to take part in the upcoming Super Heart Hoop-Off event in Christchurch, in October 2018.

Here is the full interview with Bernadette Smith.


Comments 4

    1. Post
    1. Post

      The In2hula fitness hoops we sell are suitable for adults of all ages. The slightly heavier pipe used and the adult size diameter makes them spin more slowly and they are easier to keep steady. They give a good balance for building muscle tone and strength, and giving you a cardio workout. Lighter hoops spin more quickly and are more suitable for hoop dance and tricks.

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